2022 was a big year for Chillisoft. Not only did we welcome new vendors and partners, but we also hosted the largest cyber security conference in New Zealand, CybersecCon. After years of lockdowns, finally being able to gather safely, we got to truly take in the atmosphere of CybersecCon. We got to make new friends and reconnect face to face with old ones. We heard stories around campfires, learned about the latest defenses, connected with some great brands that brought out our inner child with fun games, we ate together, smiled and some of us, even danced. Above all, we were left to marvel at the level of passion we saw from the cybersecurity community. As technology grows, both for good and bad, we the people are the soul.

As we move to tomorrow, cyber threats are more common, more sever and more sinister. Cybercrime is becoming sharper and more organized , now even becoming an undeniable part of modern warfare. We face more and more well funded bad agents, with attacks becoming more widespread. While cybercrime is a very sharp sword, the response is the very hard hitting shield of cybersecurity uniting us.

Aside from New Year resolutions, the holiday season is also important for reflection. As a company, and as individuals, we have a clear passion for cybersecurity. As we head into 2023, we will have more fantastic events, more webinars, and more ways of sharing and connecting through cybersecurity. We are pleased to announce, we are beginning work behind the scenes on Chillisoft’s very own podcast, CybersecCast! Stay tuned as we will release more information in the coming months!

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