Attack IQ is distributed by Chillisoft in New Zealand. 

The platform allows users to simulate real-world attack scenarios and measure the response of their security systems, providing visibility into potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses. This information can be used to improve the overall security posture of an organization by identifying areas for improvement and implementing changes that reduce the risk of successful attacks.

AttackIQ is designed to be flexible and scalable, making it suitable for organizations of all sizes and industries. It provides a comprehensive range of pre-built attack scenarios, as well as the ability to create custom scenarios tailored to specific organizational needs. The platform is easy to use and requires no specialized knowledge or training, enabling organizations to quickly and effectively test their security defenses.

AttackIQ has the ability to provide real-time feedback on security defenses. As attack scenarios are simulated, the platform measures the response of security systems and provides immediate feedback on the effectiveness of these defenses. This information can be used to validate security controls and ensure that they are working as intended, helping you stay ahead of potential threats.

AttackIQ’s has the ability to integrate with a wide range of security tools and technologies. This allows testing of existing security infrastructure in a comprehensive and effective manner, without the need for additional investments in hardware or software. Detailed reporting and analytics are available for helping you measure progress and track your security posture over time.


ATTACK IQ Solutions

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